•  By Michael Williams

    A Comprehensive 9-Step Framework For Reducing Electricity Costs and Boosting Profits

    Are you experiencing an increase in your electricity costs that is hurting your bottom line? Do you know how the electricity market works and why costs are increasing? Do you want to have a clear and concise framework that you can follow to take control, reduce your costs and increase your profits? Well this book explains the electricity game, who the players are, the rules they want you to follow and the rules you can leverage to beat them at their own game. It provides a framework that you can put in place to reduce costs and increase profits. Power Profits demystifies the electricity market from the perspective of an electricity user and shows you how you can use that knowledge to reduce costs by up to 30-50%. This book explains the Australian National Electricity Market and how it operates from an end-user perspective and sets out a concise framework for you to follow to make significant and immediate electricity cost savings for your business.
  • Network Cost Analysis Objective: To identify sustainable annual network cost savings
    1. Analyse electricity usage interval data (half-hour data) for monthly trends, patterns and outliers
    2. Analyse electricity usage interval for day-of-week patterns and outliers
    3. Analyse electricity usage interval data for time-of-day trends, patterns and outliers
    4. Conduct power quality analysis
    5. Isolate the drivers of electricity network demand costs
    6. Conduct a comparative analysis of different tariff options for the lowest cost
    7. Provide report including the full analysis and the recommendations to reduce the costs
    8. Make the necessary application to the network operator via the retailer to change tariffs, if necessary
  • Household Electricity Cost Saving Analysis Objective: To identify the lowest cost electricity supply option for your home
    1. Analyse your bills
    2. Determine your meter type
    3. Analyse your electricity usage patterns (from smart meter data if available)
    4. Analyse your solar generation patterns
    5. Select and recommend the lowest cost retail supply option to suit your circumstances
    Note that I am not a household electricity broker that earns commissions on switching you to preferred retailers. I do an analysis on your unique family household electricity profile and recommend the lowest-cost retail supply option for you. Fee: $99 per household (with a money-back guarantee to cap fee to a maximum of 3-months savings). Includes GST of $9.00.
    Guarantee: At the very least, the fee would be recovered within 3-months (and could be recovered within one month).