Household Electricity Cost Savings


Household Electricity Cost Saving Analysis
Objective: To identify the lowest cost electricity supply option for your home

  1. Analyse your bills
  2. Determine your meter type
  3. Analyse your electricity usage patterns (from smart meter data if available)
  4. Analyse your solar generation patterns
  5. Select and recommend the lowest cost retail supply option to suit your circumstances

Note that I am not a household electricity broker that earns commissions on switching you to preferred retailers. I do an analysis on your unique family household electricity profile and recommend the lowest-cost retail supply option for you.

Fee: $99 per household (with a money-back guarantee to cap fee to a maximum of 3-months savings). Includes GST of $9.00.

Guarantee: At the very least, the fee would be recovered within 3-months (and could be recovered within one month).


Electricity costs are made up of several different components:
  1. energy charges – the electrons used at the negotiated retail price
  2. network charges – the regulated cost of the poles and wires required to deliver energy
  3. environmental charges – the cost of renewable energy certificates
  4. metering charges – the cost of the metering service
  5. market charges – usage-based charges to pay the market operator
  6. retail supply charges – daily fee based on retailers costs of providing the service

With larger business customers these charges are transparent as they are unbundled from each other.

With households they are largely bundled together so that you usually only see one or two rates plus a daily charge. The way that different retailers charge and the fact that there are different tariffs depending on whether you have a smart meter, a Time-of-Use meter, an overnight hot water service tariff, or a simple total usage meter makes comparisons between different retailers very difficult. Different retailers offer “discounts” for paying on time, charge credit card fees and apply connection and disconnection fees. Others dont.

In addition, the times of day you use electricity and whether or not you have solar installed further complicate the analysis. Some retailers offer quite good feed-in-tariffs on solar exports, others dont, some have a good rate for a little bit of export and next to nothing for the rest.

Household Electricity Cost Saving Analysis
Objective: To identify the lowest cost electricity supply option for your home

  1. Analyse your bills
  2. Determine your meter type
  3. Analyse your electricity usage patterns (from smart meter data)
  4. Analyse your solar generation patterns
  5. Select and recommend the lowest cost retail supply option to suit your circumstances

Note that I am not a household electricity broker that earns commissions on switching you to preferred retailers. I do an analysis on your unique family household electricity profile and recommend the lowest cost retail supply option for you.

Fee: $99 per household including GST of $9.00 (with a money back guarantee to cap fee to a maximum of 3-months savings).

Guarantee: At the very least, the fee would be recovered within 3-months (and could be recovered within one month).